Monday, September 11, 2006

b is for blathering

So recently I’ve been helping design a study based loosely on Bar & Aminoff’s work concerning the cortical processing of contextual associations. Basically, we are going to try to test the idea that there are different neural mechanisms activated by visual cues that represent certain contexts (like a barn, a cow, and a haystack to represent a farm) and by those visual cues that represent certain categories (drinks, toys, shoes), but which are unrelated to any unifying context in particular. Anyhow. I was searching on the Microsoft website for photo clip art of toys and I found this beauty:

What the crap.

So I quit the cult in a fairly amusing manner and after that my weekend just kept on getting better. Nothing like free will to make your bed comfy and your food taste good. My car broke down and I continue to be lousy with ex-boyfriends (I mean that in the “covered with, as one might be covered in lice” sense, not in the “terrible with” sense) but these things are vaguely hilarious and I’m having a great time.

It’s almost autumn. I’m knitting ugly yellow legwarmers. People kept winking at me today, what’s up with that?

I’m spent.

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