Saturday, October 21, 2006

Marie, Marie, hold on tight.


On Wednesday afternoon, after having spent some time in the shower, crying, hugging my knees, staring blankly at the soap-bottle and thinking “Well, now what,” I received a call from MattThomas, fixer of all things. He and Daniel drove me home to see my mom, who had been taken to the hospital for surgery that afternoon. She was in a lot of pain for a couple of days. I drew her baths, scratched her back, held her hand, helped around the house, did what I could to make things better for her. Today she was feeling much healthier, so much so that we were able to go on a walk this morning. Hopefully she’ll be back to swimming a mile a morning in no time.

It has been good to be home. I feel useful here, and loved. Papa makes me cinnamon toast for breakfast, Joe and I stay up late watching his latest films (Teddy Roosevelt’s Organelle Safari is a must-see), and Tom the cat bites my toes (lovingly). Joe and I went on a date last night to the Witches Brew, and then later he, Monty, and I went to Lincolnton’s new Waffle House. Classy. Picture:

I’ve been to the doctor finally, (was still running a 100 degree fever till Friday for whatever reason) and I got my Zoloft dosage doubled plus a flu shot. I’m severely anemic again, which explains the fatigue. Lots more pills for me. Oh pills.

Thanks so much to everybody who has called me and expressed their concern for both me and my mom. It feels really good to know that I am cared for.

Love you guys. I’ll see you tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

i'm very relieved your mother and you are both doing better and you got to spend time with your family
feeling good. i missed you.


Anonymous said...

Emily. I think I saw you on campus, were you on campus? I'm sorry about your mom. I remember that rainy, crazy night we drove around Raleigh looking for Artspace, remember? And your brother playing the piano. brilliant. I hope you're well. I won't bother you anymore, just sayin...hope you're well.

I'm ready to get the hell out of here. and on to the next life. (with poetry involved, of course)


^_^ said...


Hey, love. I'm really sorry I am so terrible at keeping in touch. I have this weird guilt thing about losing track of friends and then not knowing how to right myself...I'm a weirdo, yes. It's really good to hear from you. Yeah, I work in Davie so I'm on campus a lot. When do you usually get lunch? I really need to hear all the new brillant things you are doing poetry-wise. :3